Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eliza's Preschool Pic

Eliza is loving our Mom Co-op Preschool. She came home the first day knowing how to snap her fingers?? So many things to learn!


Marcia said...

Snapping of the fingers is an important life-time skill. I bet Eliza is the cutest finger-snapper in the whole Tri-Cities Area!

EmmaJ said...

She is so cute and what a skill! Betty pretends to snap her fingers but clicks her tongue to make the noise her fingers can't.

Reba said...

So that's where she learned. She was trying to teach the other kids at my house. I love Liza. Did I tell you she found an itty bitty snail at my house and held so still that it actually opened in her hand? She also (and this cracks me up) told me that I wasn't the teacher, I was the airplane doctor. Love it. Thanks for sharing her. :)

Lucie Gibbons said...

It was SO cute to see her snapping while we were Skypeing the other day. She's already Profesh at it. Can't wait to see what else she learns @ Pre-school! xoxo

The Duckworth Family said...

Oh brook you are such a sweet talented mom. Every time I look at any pictures of your kids my heart just melts. I'm so lucky and blessed to be related to you! Keep up the good work momma...I really want to take a trip to visit you one day.