Monday, March 16, 2009

Good Odd Goings On

Eliza loves blowing on bellies, especially Porter's!

Eliza loves Cinderelli, she sings the song all the time, but when she's being recorded she just wants to watch herself.

Porter is just itching to be mobile!!

This post is EFG (Especially For Grandmas)
We love and miss our families!!


Clegg Family said...

I absolutely LOVE the video of Eliza blowing on Porter's belly...what fun memories of 2 very cute kids!

Story Family said...

What adorable videos!! I loved how by the end of Dan's tickling session with Porter, all he had to do was make the noises like he was coming and Porter would start to laugh. So cute!!

Love Eliza's dress. Kelsey has the same one. You must have good taste!

Brook said...

Gotta love Target!! We miss you guys!

Amy said...

Such CUTE videos!
I love the anticipation in Porter's face when he knows the tickle is coming. I just don't think there is any better sound in the world than a baby's laugh. So cute.
p.s. Sorry you miss your family, but I'm glad you are here!

Dixie Packer said...

adorable kids!!! i love porter's little laughs. so cute! hope you guys are doing well.

Luke and Megz said...

thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for posting these videos!!! I miss these sweet kids so much! That was so cute when Eliza was helping Porter to walk and then gave him a big hug at the end! I can't believe how much they're growing and changing! That laughing video is so funny, I LOVE it! SO adorable!! love you guys!!!

Lucie Gibbons said...

Ok - THANKS a million times over again!!! I've been needing my Eliza and Porter fix soooooo badly lately
I can hardly stand it! I LOVE all of the videos and love watching how well they get along! It melts my heart. I also LOVE the first pic of Daniel kissing sleeping Porter and how cute little Eliza's face is as she watches her Dad kiss with his lips! I would LOOOOOOOVE a big picture of that for Mom's Day - it's precious. I ALSO love the sleeping pics of Porter and Eliza (stink bug style) and she must take after her Mimi with the whole popsicle addiction! Thanks again for EVERYTHING! xo

Marcia said...

Brook, the laughing video was a balm to my soul! LeGrand and I laughed right along with them.

As far as Liza being able to open all doors, you really must blog her nursery escape attempts. The girl is a genius even though her testimony of the nursery program is lacking. "Please, the Boring Room. . . "

The Blacks said...

Do you guys have a Heister Meister to get Porker out of his crib? I don't want Brook to brake her back getting him out. She has too many child bearing years left!