Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October Happenings

My boys (and Eliza) love to take off their shirts and play "Nacho" and wrestle... most times it ends in tears.

Day before Elder Draper went home. It was the same day we found out the gender of our baby #4. We told the kids what gender it was by sonic slushies. One red for Eliza, Blue for Porter and Jesse and the 4th slushy was...BLUE!

We went to the circus with some friends and during intermission Porter took pics

Pumpkin Painting Family Night

Kids wearing their cute Halloween shirts from Mimi

Caught Porter mid-yawn, but we made Frankenstein Faces for letter F preschool and the boys all did such a cute job!


Mike and Emily Black Fam said...

You are so dang talented! I keep making my kids dig thru our dress up box of walmart clearance from 10 years ago! The costumes are awesome. You know you are going to have to keep that Jessie outfit of Eliza's for our Jessie!

Eliza said...

Congratulations on your coming BOY! The world needs more good fine upstanding men and what better place to become one than with you as parents.

Sarah said...

LOVE the Toy Story theme and your costume making skills! I'm impressed! My poor kids don't have a mother that can sew! And I still think your youngest looks so much like Megs little boy!